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Kite NBK REBEL 2010

Kite NBK REBEL 2010

The ultimate all terrain Freeride Kite of your dreams

Art.No.: 1212

799,00 € *
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Delivery time: 4 - 5 days

NKB Rebel 2010 - Kite only

From fantastic, glassy speed tracks to every kind of waves, Rebel 2010 is the ultimate all-terrain free ride kite of your dreams!
The very smooth, agile control behavior supports much response, even with a depowered shield. This makes Rebel to an ideal kite in surfing and a great toy in probably all conditions.

The loaded fifth leach design gives Rebel 2010 100% security and a short and aggressive force path that is 30% shorter then at kites with bridles.

This means that a really huge wind range can be covered with just one kite - ideal for days with unpredictable flurry winds. Moreover, the short power stroke supports the luxury of an ON/OFF mode that is especially important down the line in the waves. The new floating strut - a middle tube that is not connected over the entire length with the drapery - supports a free move of the canopy above the tube. This allows a fuller flow and a rock solid position in the zenith in powered up state, as well as a more direct depower. The new "V" binding of the backlines directly transmits the strain of the backlines for a very solid feel at the bar. In combination with the new bungee system all unwanted snarls during the relaunch are avoided. The well-known, unique sensitivity and smoothness of Rebel's controls were enhanced by and additional segment in the leading edge again. The ultra-clean, flatter-free canopy near the tips will send continuous response about every move of the kite over the bar. So stop dreaming, grab your Rebel and up on the water!
Top points:
  • Free ride / wave orientation
  • loaded 5th leash concept
  • short and straight power stroke / power path
  • floating center strut
  • V back leash system with integrated relaunch bungees
  • straight and quickly followed steering commands,  Lenkbefehle, even completely depowered
  • low drag design
  • Kite
  • Bag
  • Repair Kit

Reference note: If you are interested you can purchase this product at

Attribute Value
Included in delivery: kite, bag, repair kit
Area of Application: All-terrain, Freeride

We are happy to inform you about a price change of this product respectively when it hits the price you want to purchase.

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Memory usage: 4.383 MB (peak: 4.411 MB)
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Executed: 2024-07-27 04:25:20
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Memory usage: 4.885 MB (peak: 5.03 MB)
System memory usage: 4 MB (peak: 4 MB)
Executed: 2024-07-27 04:25:20
Timestamp: 1722047120.4209
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